Buy or pick your own delicious fruit at Paynes Orchards
The Payne family arrived in Bacchus Marsh area in the fifties, armed with 300 apple trees and an old Bedford truck.
The years since have seen Payne’s Orchards add a range of mouth-watering boutique summer fruits to the orchard, and develop a reputation as a socially-conscious business using natural techniques to nurture the land.
You can buy amazing fruit direct from the sheds on the farm, or if you’re feeling more adventurous, you can pick your own delicious stone fruits, cherries, berries and apples. Fill your bucket and pay by weight when you’re done. It’s a fantastic day out for the whole family.
The farm is open 10am - 3pm daily during the picking season, which varies for each variety of fruit:
Cherries - November to December
Peaches, plums, nectarines, apricots - December to February
Apples - March to May.
372 Bacchus Marsh Rd, Bacchus Marsh
Open 9am - 3pm daily during the picking season (usually November to June).
Check venue website for updates.